Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014

News - Iranian Resistance

Governor Bill Richardson
Governor Bill Richardson

Governor Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico, 2003-2011,was one of the hunreds speakers at the Paris Convention

Bill Richardson, served as the governor of New Mexico, 2003-2011, he also served as the US Ambassador to the UN and as the US Secretary of Energy
Gov. Richardson said: 'I have two questions for you. One of them requires a YES, and the other one requires a NO. So it is going to be very easy. My first question:  
Has there been any change since Rouhani came to office? (NO)
The second question, is there hope for change for Iran? (YES)
It’s a great honor for me to participate with governor Dean and so many bipartisan leaders from the United States and from around the world. But you are the stars here today. The first question، has there been a change?
The answer is NO. There has been more executions under Rouhani, there has been more repression. They said they were going to release political prisoners, it did not happen.
Did they change their behavior?  The answer is NO, they continue to repress, the genocide the people of Syria, They continue fight against human rights in the entire Middle East. They refuse to say to Maliki that you should have an enclosed government of Shiite and Sunni and Kurds to save Iraq.
But there has not been any change with Rouhani. There has not been any serious change in nuclear negotiation with the West and the United States. But the most important question for us! is there change for Iran?
The answer is YES, because it is you, it is the MEK, it is Maryam Rajavi , it is the freedom loving people of Iran that are in this room, that want democracy, that want human rights.
I have been coming here for many years. I never have seen such a big crowd.'

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