Montag, 16. Juni 2014

Ayad Allawi to CNN: time has come for Maliki to step aside

Ayad Allawi
Ayad Allawi

Ayad Allawi to CNN: time has come for Maliki to step aside

Al-Wataniya Coalition leader Ayad Allawi said in an interview with CNN Maliki has been prime minister for two terms up to now, and he has failed in providing security and public services. Corruption is rampaging in the country and the economy is in a recession and I believe the time has come for him to step aside, Allawi said.
CNN anchorman: Maliki has centralized all the power and seized all key ministry posts under his control, and by isolating the Sunnis they have practically turned against Maliki.
Allawi said he believes the people are ready to see a light at the end of the tunnel. They want to see how they are to participate in the political process without anyone being marginalized, except the terrorist or those who steal the people’s property.
CNN anchorman: From 2006 to 2008 we witnessed Sunni tribes work with the US to fight against al-Qaeda. Now the situation is as such that Sunnis have been so deprived of their rights that they don’t even believe one word from Maliki. Is there a way to have them come to a point to rise against ISIS instead of supporting them?
Allawi said yes I believe the answer is yes. There are just subject that must be raised. A national reconciliation government must be formed in the country, a national unity government without Maliki. This government must have two duties: first nation reconciliation without preconditions and all parties participating in the political process; and second establishing non-sectarian entities.

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