Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2014

Political prisoner Arjhang Davoudi Political prisoner Arjhang Davoudi Iran: prominent Pol prisoner issues statement condemning April 17th Evin raid

Political prisoner Arjhang Davoudi
Political prisoner Arjhang Davoudi

Iran: prominent Pol prisoner issues statement condemning April 17th Evin raid

Political prisoner Arzjhang Davoudi issued a statement of dated April 22nd condemning the vicious and bloody raid against political prisoners in ward 350 of Evin Prison, saying no animal will do to one of its own kind what these barbaric men are doing to human beings.
Davoudi has been in prison since 2003.
“As we reach the end, the regime becomes more and more angry, and it opens more the hands of its mercenaries in committing such crimes,” he wrote, adding all this horrific behavior from the regime is due to its suspicions of its own survival and fears political prisoners.

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