Sonntag, 18. Mai 2014

Political prisoners in ward 350 of Evin issue statement

Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison
Tehran’s notorious Evin Priso
Political prisoners detained in ward 350 of Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison issued a statement exposing the Rouhani regime’s attempts to cover up their crimes in this ward.
Nobakht, spokesman of Rouhani’s cabinet, said a month after the deadly April 17th raid into ward 350 in Evin Prison that the mullahs’ ministries of Justice and Intelligence are assigned to prepare a report in this regard and present it to the government.
Currently, considering the positions of Rouhani’s Justice Minister Mostafa Pour Mohammadi, a member of the ‘Death Commission’ in charge of the 1988 summer massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners in Iran – said on Sunday, April 20th the clashes were between the prisoners themselves and only two people were injured in this incident… It is quite obvious now that the result of this report will be nothing but cloaking and covering up the crimes and acquitting the repressive criminals of the religious fascist mullahs, just as they covered up the cases of murders and the regime’s previous crimes years before.
This is while the injured political prisoners from the very beginning of the establishment of this commission demanded a fact-finding mission with the presence of UN and ICRC representatives, and/or other international organizations, and they requested their rights be respected and the criminals who beat them be punished. Furthermore, the resistance and perseverance of the political prisoners during their hunger strike in solitary confinement forced the regime’s authorities to back down and be humiliated, and this resistance taught the world how to stand against this inhumane mullahs’ regime.

Iran human rights

Iran protests

Iran suppression

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