Montag, 20. Oktober 2014

Iranian officials’ denial of knowing anything about acid attack on women

Victim of acid attack in Isfahan
Victim of acid attack in Isfahan

Iranian officials’ denial of knowing anything about acid attack on women

Following a series of acid attack on women and young girls in Isfahan and Tehran, senior Iranian security officials have denied knowing anything about this heinous crime. State Security commanders in Isfahan and Tehran have come to the stage rejecting any knowledge of this barbaric act.
This is at a time when Friday prayer leaders in different cities have recently expressed anger and dissatisfaction of people who don’t observe the strict Mullahs’ version of dress code or Hijab. And have been calling for firm action against those women who ignore this so called ’Hijab’.
In response to this call, Nosratollah Mohtasham, the leader of militant group ’Ansar Hezbollah’ who gets free hand by the government to enforce the so called ’Enjoin Virtue and Prohibit Vice, a reactionary and repressive decree that is solely introduced to suppress and harass and threaten the so called ’mal-veiled’ women. He said that he has motorcycle riding units that are adamant to act decisively with bad hijab women.

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