Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014


Iraqi Anbar tribal sheiks 1

The Iraqi Anbar tribal sheiks: we will be resolute against the Iranian regime's interference in Iraq

Iraqi tribal sheiks and leaders issued a statement saying that all members of their tribes in Anbar and other interconnected cities will announce that they have decided to act as a concrete and solid barrier against the Iranian regime's influence in Iraq. The statement adds that the Iraqi Sunnis will prevent Iraq to become a proxy  state of Iran and will not allow Maliki to act as the Iranian regime's bid in their country, and their will fight back against Maliki's Army and his sectarian militias. 
The spokesman for the Popular Iraqi Movement told Fallujah television: 'today, residents of Fallujah and Anbar are fighting against the Iranian regime forces. Maliki is a surrogate of the Iranian regime in Iraq and would do whatever they tell him to do. Maliki and the Iranian regime's ambassador to Iraq and the Supreme leader Khamenei are caring out the same objective in Iraq which is to federalize this country.

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